Title: Mother 母親

Medium: Sounds, mixed media, sensor, and custom electronics


Dimensions:  45”x48”x23”

尺寸:114x122x59 cm

Year: 2019


Mother is an interactive sculpture that sings soothingly in Mandarin to any viewer approaching its shell. In previous installations, the piece sang fragments of two Taiwanese lullabies that Hui-Ying Tsai’s grandmother sang to her as a child. For this iteration, Tsai composed her own original lullaby. Sound artist Jonathan Grover managed the electronics, programming, and sound mixing for the piece. The rocks were respectfully gathered from sites in Philadelphia and Delaware County and will be returned after the exhibition.


This is a collaboration with the artist, Jonathan Grover, who is in charge of electronics, programming, and sound mixing.

Photographer: Constance Mensh