Title: înn-á-hue (Globe Amaranth)

Music Collaborator: Yusa

Location: Bultman House, New Orleans, Louisianna, USA

Time: May 21st. Sun. 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

înn-á-hue is a participatory performance praising the earth and female sexuality as sacred. The ritual opens a dialogue between Eastern and African impermanence philosophies and animism spirituality within the context of urban life. The event delivers a non-linear story about femininity, fertility, and beauty; And celebrates water, life, and the interconnectedness of all beings.

I incorporated the tradition of the Chinese Qixi Festival, where women set up altars under the moon, offering needles, threads, fruits, rouge, and powder to worship the Weaver Star. Threading needles under the moonlight symbolizes future skilled craftsmanship. My collaborator, Yusa, and I intertwined our tangible and intangible offerings to the Ochun River deity to heal and liberate each other and the participants.

Symbolism is subject to invention and can be obscured by cultural biases and systemic control.

"înn-á-hue" comes from a Taiwanese saying my grandmother used to repeat: "大紅花毋知䆀,圓仔花䆀毋知". It means: "The big red flower doesn't know it's ugly, the Globe Amaranth is ugly but unaware." It meant to shame people unaware of their ugliness yet flaunt themselves around. This piece reflects on the societal contradictions regarding female beauty, it’s both desirable and fearful, and the standards are imposed to suppress non-conforming beauty.





地點:美國紐奧良Bultman House



活動邀請民眾共同慶祝水的賜予和力量、強調生命週期循環不止,擁抱天地間所有存在的緊密關聯。這件作品使用了乞巧節的傳統,婦女們在月下設香案,備針線、花生、瓜果、凸粉、胭脂等祭拜織女及牛郎星。 祭畢向月引線穿針,若能穿進去,表示以後會有好手藝;活動結束後,向天拋凸粉讓粉落在自己的臉上,象徵以後會有好美貌。其中音樂元素靈感來自台灣民謠一隻小鳥哮啾啾、搖籃曲、和非洲掌管美和富饒的女河神Ochun的頌歌。



Video documentation: Cfreedom Photography

Video Editor: 藝易藝創有限公司

Photo documentation: Annie Flanagan

*Full version of video documentation available upon request. 完整影片請洽藝術家。