Title: Wind-Blown (International)
Year: 2021
Medium: Sounds, customized electronics, customized printed fabric, bamboo, hemp rope, wood-fired ceramics, conductive paint, rocks
Dimensions: 310 x 560 x 640 cm
An interactive sound installation using the detectability of electricity and body. As the viewers touch the piece, the conductivity will activate different sounds to compose a unique soundscape that transcends time and space.
The narrative of this piece centers on Hualien, a county of Taiwan, and lays the history of Taiwanese immigration within the island and internationally. The collective stories told by four-generation informants in Japanese, Fujian, Hakka, Austronesian, English, Taiwanese, and Mandarin, depict the trajectory of the modern Taiwanese migration globally. Made with local media, Wind-Blown embodies the perceptual construction of the original and the new home and captures the spirit of globalization.
The printed fabric is referencing the old Taiwanese household fabric pattern in the 60s’ using the scanned artworks of fabric collages made by local elderlies. The conductive handles are made with the local clay dug from the coastal mountains ridge and glazed mixed with local plants. It is the old ceramic method used by the Austronesian tribe since the prehistoric period.
年代: 2021
尺寸:高315 x 長604 x 寬540 cm
陶製的風箏線軸,沿用阿美族製陶古法使用花蓮海岸山脈的黏土、釉混以當地植物柴燒而成; 造型參考富山文化出土的新石器時代中期石網墜,上刻有以南島文化通用符號與花蓮自然環境為靈感創作的紋飾。
© 2021 Hui-Ying Tsai & Jonathan Grover All Rights Reserved