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Title: înn-á-hue (Globe Amaranth) watch the video
Year: 2023
Ritual performance community event.
Music Collaborator: Yusa
Location: Bultman House, New Orleans, Louisianna, USA
Photo Annie Flanagan
Current Events 當期活動:
- 2024/08/05-10/25 「呼喚春神」 -- 蔡慧盈梁海莎聯展,彩雲藝術空間,新北市,台灣
- 2024/07/13-09/08 「Taiwan Emerging Art Exhibition」, Taichung City Seaport Art Center, Taiwan
Up-Coming Events 活動預告:
- 2024/09/21 Art in Country of Tokyo, Opening performance, Matsugashita Miyabiyu, Tokyo, Japan
- 2025/04/01-05/31 Sculpture Space Residency, New York, USA
Past Events 近期活動:
- 2024/06/07-30 「Self Affection」on view on the street of Brooklyn at 3rd Ave. & 11th St.
- 2024/04/06-05/04 「Spring, Celebration for the Earth」,威廉斯堡藝術與歷史中心,紐約市,美國
- 2024/01/30-03/24 春泥、野水、走獸 -- 蔡慧盈創作個展,金車承德館,台北市,台灣
- 2023/10/28-12/02 “Seeing the Anthropocene”, Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Philadelphia, USA
- 2023/05/21 " înn-á-hue", Participatory ritual performance, New Orleans, USA
7-9 pm @ Location - 2023/03/13-06/02 Joan Mitchell Center Residency, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Long-term Display 常設展:
- Turquoise Wind, Taitung County Cultural Affairs Bureau Library 3F, Taiwan / 常設展,水藍色的風,臺東縣政府文化處圖書館三樓,台灣
Publications 出版訪談:
- 漫遊者通道書店Podcast EP.8 立即收聽藝術家駐村經驗分享與訪談
- 2021洄瀾美展專輯電子書
- 《換日線》2022年春季號 / 21期 : 環遊世界
- Work[s] from Home A global collaboration of digital zine by multicultural creative women.